$ 35.00
Dimensions: 6 1/8" x 7" x 1 1/8" thick
In-Stock: 634 SF - FOB West Hatfield, MA
Provenance: Hautvillers, The Champagne Region, France
Cost - $35.00/SF
Hautvillers is located in northeastern France. It's a charming wine-making village, known as the "Cradle of Champagne". In-between forests and vineyards, this is the historic birthplace of Champagne where monk Dom Pérignon, in the seventeenth century, laid the foundation of champagne at the Abbey de Hautvillers. Not too far from this village, we salvaged the most lovely hand made antique French terra cotta tile hexagon, with a beautiful color palette of champagne pink mixed with earthy tones of moss, clay and forest. What is also spectacular, is that this is quite a substantial lot of 634 SF. Imagine an interior with this floor and walls painted any one of Farrow & Ball's wall paints...this would be sublime. It's patina is well-formed, matte and worn from constant wear over the centuries. To complete the authenticity of this interior - perfect for a manoir in the Champagne region of France, our 18th century French oak floor in Fallen Acorn is the perfect partner in bringing forth this clay tile's neutral warm oak colors. The anchor of a French oak floor then allows the pink terra cotta tile hues to sparkle and dance around the room. As one does drinking Dom Pérignon.
Recommended Sealer after Installation: Akemi Stone Impregnation for French Reclaimed Terra Cotta Tile Flooring
Cleaning and Maintenance: Vacuum, then clean with Black Soap (Savon Noir) to disinfect, maintain, protect and enhance patina.